Scout Troop 672
Serving All Saints & St. Vincent Ferrer Parishes
Scouting provides young people with exciting adventures, activities and pathways to becoming a leader and person of good character. Our troop primarily serves the Cincinnati suburb of Kenwood Catholic parishes of All Saints and St. Vincent Ferrer but is open to both boys and girls from all schools and religious beliefs. Youth can enter scouting at any age with Kindergarten through Grade 4 in the Cub Pack and 5th grade to age 18 in the scout Troop.
In scouting programs for younger youth, most activities are planned and organized by parents, while in Scouts BSA, the emphasis is on boys and girls themselves selecting and planning their activities. Scouting troops are organized into patrols, groups of 8 to 12 youth that work together as a team. Leadership, teamwork, and integrity are emphasized as well as building friendships and a sense of duty to family and community.
Our scouts enjoy outdoor activities and develop a respect for nature and the environment. Sports are often an important part of good health and today’s youth and our scouting program is designed to encourage participation in team sports.
Since 1971, young women ages 14 to 21 have been part of Scouting’s special-interest Explorer programs. In 2019, to better meet the needs of today’s families, Boy Scouts officially transitioned to Scouts BSA, opening the door to girls between the ages of 11 to 17. The organization’s first girl Eagle scouts followed soon after, with the first class recognized in 2020.
Our weekly troop meetings are held on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8:30 PM in the All Saints Parish Center Rooms 6/7. Typically, each month we plan a weekend activity and an offsite Wednesday activity. In addition, most scouts enjoy a week of summer camp at Camp Friedlander.
In recent years, our scouts have been to Philmont, the National High Adventure Reservation in New Mexico, the National Jamboree at Summit in West Virginia, Florida and St. Thomas Sea Base, and trips to Canada and Michigan. In 2005, our troop organized a twenty-person mission trip to the Dominican Republic. The troop annually participates in multiple service projects for our parish and our community. We usually graduate several Eagle scouts each year.
The All Saints Scout Troop 672 was chartered in 1955 by the Men of All Saints Parish. During our nearly 70 years, our troop has graduated over 100 Eagle Scouts. Our troop is part of the Dan Beard Council, with over 20,000 scouts in twelve counties in southern Ohio and northern Kentucky. We are in the Little Miami District of northeastern Hamilton County.